Gas prices are up, everywhere! To save money on fuel without having to impact your present lifestyle, try these tips… NO jackrabbit starts! Your vehicle uses the most fuel when accelerating. If you accelerate slowly, you can minimize the surge of fuel to meet the demands of getting rolling. In fact,…
When you call for roadside service, you set in motion a series of events that are timesaving for you but could be life-threatening for your service driver. While proper training (and even licensing or certification) can minimize the possibility of a tragic accident, they still face danger in many aspects…
Whenever you have a roadside breakdown emergency, we are here for you to help you get safely off the highway and into a reputable repair shop in a timely and efficient manner. Sometimes the event can be upsetting, so here’s a few tips to help make the rescue process smooth and as seamless as possible.…
The crisp temperatures of Halloween are a general reminder that the weather is changing, and wet and stormy weather is on its way. We usually get a rush of customers right after the first cold storm wanting to “winterize,” so beat the crowd and come in now. Fresh fluids, new wiper blades, proper tires,…
Out of the blue, there’s suddenly green, red, or other color fluids under my car. WHAT’ S GOING ON!! No need to panic…yet. Depending on the manufacturer, some coolants are red, some are green, and some are yellow. Never mix colors, and always use the color your vehicle already has in the radiator. Also,…